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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Warminster’s Lake Pleasure Grounds celebrates Green Flag Award

18 June 2024

The Lake Pleasure Grounds in Warminster is delighted to have once again been awarded Green Flag Award status by Keep Britain Tidy.

The Green Flag Award scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.

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A Warminster Town Council spokesperson said: “We are delighted that the Lake Pleasure Grounds has once again been recognised with the prestigious Green Flag Award status.

“Town Council staff, councillors and volunteers work hard to ensure the Lake Pleasure Grounds is something we are all immensely proud of.

“The public too play a huge part in maintaining the Lake Pleasure Grounds by treating it with respect. We are so proud and look forward to celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Lake Pleasure Grounds in July.”

Warminster Town Council has invested in all aspects of the Lake Pleasure Grounds and is committed to ongoing investment. Previous investments have included the skatepark, the splash pad, the lava trail, the tennis courts, resurfacing of paths and bringing back boat hire.

Maintaining and improving the Lake Pleasure Grounds is a real team effort from the model boat club to the CCTV operators, the school children planting flower beds, the staff in the café, the people cleaning the toilets, or the people putting on events like Inspire.

The Lake Pleasure Grounds is regarded as one of the best parks for a town of our size, and a real gem for Warminster.

The Green Flag Award is judged on 28 factors, so every year entrants must maintain a high standard of performance to prove their dedication to the scheme.

For more information contact Warminster Town Council, Tel: 01985 214847 or email:

Last modified: 18 June 2024

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