Tennis Courts
The tennis courts are available to book online – here
Tennis Courts
Warminster Town Council’s tennis courts are high specification courts, painted a dazzling blue and green. They are enclosed and incorporate a gate-access system which works with the online booking system.
The online booking will be found via the LTA website: and via Warminster Town Council’s dedicated booking platform or on an app. This will make it easy to find and book a court at the Lake Pleasure Grounds. A year’s membership costs £40 and allow for up to 4 hours per week playing time. However, anyone wishing to use it without a membership can pay £6 for a single court for an hour.
Income from bookings will be ringfenced and used to maintain the courts to their high standard.
The Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) is free to use and is ideal for football and basketball.
The renovation of the Tennis Courts has been an objective of Warminster Town Council since they took on ownership of the Lake Pleasure Grounds in 2016. Together with the investment in the skatepark, the splashpad and the pavilion café, it is another step in improving the Park.
Warminster Town Council and the LTA have invested £241,000 in order to renovate the five tennis courts and the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) for the benefit of the local community. The LTA contributing the sum of £127,000 and the Council investing £114,000 from Section 106 developer contributions and earmarked capital reserves.
Links for further information and booking:
Tennis Coach
Warminster Town Council has a tennis coach, Rory Smith, he can be contacted via
Safe to Play
This LTA campaign is aimed at ensuring everyone in tennis is able to keep children and themselves safe from harm. For more information click here.