It is almost time for the very first Warminster Independent Spring Market on Sunday 24th March.
Warminster Town Council and the Warminster Business Network (WBN) will host the bumper event, set to be even bigger than the Christmas celebrations with more than 80 stalls spread across the town and inside the Civic Centre, from 10am to 6pm.
Local stallholders will join traders in the town centre, with residents encouraged to support businesses across the whole of Warminster. The day is set to be a real celebration of the town, with a packed programme of entertainment with the High Street and Market Place closed to traffic.
Live music from Sticky Toffee Jazz (singer), Wade Merritt (musician), Jane Bennett (singer) and Jane Truckle (drummer) will perform throughout the whole day in the St Lawrence’s Chapel garden. The Athenaeum Limelight players will be joining in the fun by providing entertainment with free storytelling and craft activities. Warminster eateries will be open as well as food and drink vendors.
A WBN spokesperson said: “We urge people to come out and support this event as we work with businesses across Warminster to make this a huge event and celebration for the town.”
Anyone visiting Longleat and Center Parcs for the weekend is encouraged to check out this exciting and entertaining market. As the event is on a Sunday, parking will be available at Wiltshire Council car parks around Warminster, costing just 70p for the whole day.
Residents are encouraged to walk to the event if possible – road closures (High Street and Market Place) will be in place and parking limited.
If you would like to help the market in the town centre, please email:
Full list of road closures:
The following roads and streets in the town of Warminster are to be closed (save in any case of emergency) to all vehicular traffic as set out below on Sunday 24th March 2024 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00.
A) Market Place; from its junction with East Street to its junction with High Street
B) High Street; from its junction with Market Place to its junction with George Street
C) The Close (Part); from its junction with High Street to its junction with The Avenue
D) North Row; from its junction with High Street to its junction with The Avenue
E) Weymouth Street (Part); from its junction with High Street to its entrance to Morrisons Supermarket. Access will be available to the Lake Pleasure Grounds via Weymouth Street. Access will also be available to Weymouth Street parking and Chinns Car Park via Weymouth Street.
For more information contact Tom Dommett, Town Clerk, Warminster Town Council, Tel: 01985 214847 or email:
Photo credit: Karen Lawson

Last modified: 30 April 2024