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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Meetings Diary

Diary meetings already scheduled.

2024TopicMeeting LinkTime
2nd DecemberHR Committee 6pm
2nd DecemberTown Development7pm
9th DecemberHighways Advisory Committee7pm
16th DecemberPlanning Advisory Committee7pm
6th JanuaryFinance and Audit7pm
13th JanuaryFull Council7pm
20th JanuaryPlanning Advisory Committeeclick to join7pm
27th JanuaryParks and Estateclick to join7pm
3rd FebruaryHR Committee7pm
17th FebruaryPlanning Advisory Committee7pm
3rd MarchTown Development7pm
10th MarchParks and Estate7pm
17th MarchFinance and Audit6pm
17th MarchPlanning Advisory Committee7pm
24th MarchFull Council7pm
31st MarchTown Meeting7pm
14th AprilPlanning Advisory Committee7pm
12th MayAnnual Full Council Meeting7pm
19th MayPlanning Advisory Committee7pm
27th MayParks and Estate7pm

All meetings are held at Warminster Civic Centre unless otherwise stated and the majority of these are on a Monday evening (exceptions are denoted by *).

All members of the public are welcome to attend. If you wish to raise any issue for future debate by the members please contact the Town Clerk who will assist you in getting your items on the appropriate agenda. 


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