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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Neighbourhood Plan

Warminster Neighbourhood Plan Post-Referendum

Following the successful Yes vote at the referendum (1660 in favour, 477 against, 3 spoilt papers) Wiltshire Council confirmed that Warminster’s Neighbourhood Plan was Made on 24th November 2016. The Made plan and the decision statement can be found below:

The final Decision Statement from Wiltshire Council can be found below:

Warminster Neighbourhood Plan Review

Since 2022, local volunteers have been working on collecting information and evidence to update the current Warminster Neighbourhood Plan. As this document is specifically related to the planning policies for Warminster, it will help shape the future vision and development of the town.

To find out more about the Warminster Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) Review please visit the WNP website: 

Wiltshire Council Local Plan

Wiltshire Council’s Local Plan sets out the vision and framework for housing, infrastructure, and land for employment growth in Wiltshire for the next 15 years. The Plan has a designated section on Warminster, dealing with issues directly affecting Warminster such as housing supply, supporting the town centre, education, and climate change.

Find out more on the website for Wiltshire Council’s Local Plan:

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Civic Award Nominations are open!

The Warminster Civic, Junior Civic, Green Civic and Environmental Awards are a recognition of the outstanding contribution to the betterment of the people and town of Warminster.

Download and complete the form here, then send it to