u3a Monthly Talk – “So Far So Good”
Event Date:
Wed 31 Jul 2024 at 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Warminster Civic Centre
Sambourne Road,
BA12 8LB
Warminster u3a Monthly Meeting – “So Far So Good”, including Army Life, Buckingham Palace investiture and dog training, by Malcolm Wells MBE
Wednesday 31st July, 2pm, Warminster Civic Centre, entry £3.00 including tea, coffee and biscuits
After 24 years of experience in the Army as a musician playing cello on state occasions and banquets at Kensington and Buckingham Palace, join Malcolm Wells MBE for amusing stories including the occasion when we played the wrong National Anthem!
For more information about this talk or to join Warminster u3a, please go to the u3a website, Facebook or Instagram pages. Alternatively, email memsec@warmu3a.uk.

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