Warminster U3A Monthly Talk – The Body Through the Porthole by Steve Herra
Event Date:
Wed 28 Jun 2023 at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Warminster Civic Centre
Sambourne Road,
BA12 8LB
Young at Heart – Warminster (U3A Warminster) Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 28th June
The Body Through the Porthole by Steve Herra
Warminster Civic Centre
Entry £3.00 including tea, coffee & biscuits
For more information about this talk or to join Warminster U3A, please go to www.u3asites.org.uk/warminster/events or email memsec@warmu3a.uk
A true story from 1947 when a young actress sailing from Cape Town to Southampton aboard the Durban Castle had a liaison with a deck steward. During one such liaison, she died and he pushed her body through the porthole! The ship was 90 miles from the nearest land and in shark-infested waters. The audience act as jury and decide if the accused was guilty or not guilty of murder.

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