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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Town council approves funding to Warminster RFC to help grow club

16 January 2025

Warminster Town Council has awarded £22,500 to Warminster Rugby Football Club (RFC) for the purchase of new tower lights and a second-hand generator, with money coming from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Recent bad weather had severely damaged the previous tower lights leaving Warminster RFC with limited training options.

The investment will help grow the popular club in Folly Lane – allowing further training sessions for both the youth and women’s team, allowing them to train any day or evening of the week.

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The Club will continue to host other events including Warminster Archers, Warminster Bridge club, children’s jungle gym and baby sensory sessions.

The decision was made by councillors at a Full Council meeting on Monday 13th January.

Cllr Steve Jeffries said:

I am delighted that the town council has voted to support Warminster Rugby Club. This essential funding, which will purchase a generator and additional mobile flood lights, will enable the club to offer more training sessions to the youth and women’s teams, and make better use of all the facilities available at the club rather than overusing the pitch with the current limited floodlights.

CIL is a planning charge payable by developers on any new development. The Warminster Town Council policy is that its share of the CIL should be spent on investment in the public realm and public facilities that support the community. 

Warminster Rugby Club will report back to the Warminster Town Council on completion of the project. 

For more information on Warminster Rugby Club, Tel: 01985 221338 or email:

For more information contact Warminster Town Council, Tel: 01985 214847 or email:

Last modified: 29 January 2025

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