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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Town councillors commit £10,000 for youth work

21 May 2024

Warminster Town Councillors have cemented their commitment to working and supporting the younger population in the town, following an agreement with the Warminster and Westbury Youth Club.

Members resolved to enter into an agreement for year round youth worker provision, where workers go out onto the streets to engage with young people in Warminster at a cost of £10,000 per annum following a decision made at a Full Council meeting on Monday 13th May.

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Beth Mullins at Westbury & Warminster Youth Club said:

We are delighted that the town council have supported us and funded us to offer the provision of detached youth work in Warminster. We have a team of experienced youth workers who will oversee and deliver the project which will allow young people to be young people safely and act respectfully in the community.”

Warminster Town Council recently appointed two Youth Champions Cllr Stacie Allensby and Cllr Jack Jones (pictured), who will act as contacts for young people to talk about ideas. The new positions recognise the need for more support for young people and will create a more open dialogue between the youth of Warminster and the town council.

Town councillors have previously unanimously approved £10,000 for free activities for young people – which have already included popular free canoeing and tennis sessions.

For more information contact Warminster Town Council, Tel:  01985 214847 or email:

Last modified: 22 May 2024

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