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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Warminster Town Council proposes 1% increase in Council Tax

26 November 2024

A 1% increase in their share of Council Tax for the 2025/2026 financial year has been proposed by Warminster Town councillors. Councillors agreed the proposals at a meeting of Full Council on Monday 25th November.

Warminster Town Council’s share of the Council Tax per Band D equivalent property would therefore rise from £216.50 to £218.67, representing an increase of £2.17 a year, or 4 pence a week.

As typical properties in Warminster are Band C or below and some households receive discounts, the actual increase for most households will be slightly less.

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The exact figures will be confirmed when the final budget goes to Full Council for approval in January 2025, but it is expected to be the same as the draft budget.

Councillor Andrew Cooper, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee said:

I am pleased that the town council has been able to recommend such a small rise at a time when we know peoples’ budgets have been under strain for several years in a row.

Thanks to good financial management, we have been able to combine a low increase while also protecting and enhancing services. This is a sustainable budget that puts the council in a strong position in uncertain and challenging times.”

The Town Council sets only a small part of Wiltshire’s Council Tax; the majority of the Council Tax charged goes to Wiltshire Council, with other sums going to the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Fire and Rescue Authority, and to support adult social care in the county.

For more information contact Warminster Town Council, Tel: 01985 214847 or email:

Last modified: 27 November 2024

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