Policies & Financial Information
Model Publication Scheme & Data Transparency
The Department of Communities and Local Government has produced a proposed Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency. The Government wants to increase transparency through publication of open and reusable data enabling taxpayers to see how local authorities are using public money. Warminster Town Council wishes to follow the Code as published and will arrange for the following information to be loaded onto its website to become accessible to its readers:
Grants and payments under contract to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector clearly itemized and listed
Senior salaries which are above £50,000
The Town Council is required to publish details of any senior employees earning over £50,000 per annum
There is one salary above the threshold: Town Clerk – salary band £60,000 to £70,000
Mayor’s expenses
An annual budget of £1,000 is set aside for the Mayor to draw upon for expenses incurred whilst attending Civic functions (see Mayor and Members’ Expenses Policy below). Town councillors do not receive an allowance or other expenses.
The Constitution is made up of the following documents:
Annual Town Meetings
Inspection of Documents
Paper copies of this information are available from the Civic Centre on request.