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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Litter pick champion visits local school to encourage pride in local area

25 June 2024

Warminster Town Council Litter Pick Champion Cllr Jack Jones, recently visited The Avenue Primary School to hand deliver 10 litter pickers to pupils. The visit happened after the school wrote to Wiltshire Council to ask for support in keeping the environment in and around the school litter free.

Cllr Jones was met by excited and enthusiastic pupils who have pledged to go litter picking in their breaks and at lunchtime. The litter pickers have been donated by the town council as part of its commitment to keep Warminster green.

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Cllr Jones said:

Educating children about litter picking and environmental care can lead to immediate positive impacts on their surroundings. Clean playgrounds, parks, and communities contribute to overall well-being and quality of life.

Prioritising environmental education at the primary school level, lays the foundation for a more sustainable future where individuals actively participate in maintaining and improving their natural surroundings.

As a council we are moving away from organising big community litter picks as we are finding more people are looking after their local neighbourhood for Warminster, taking a litter picker out when they go for a walk.

We are very happy to support people who want to care for Warminster in this way. If others would like to join in, then contact the council.”

The text of the pupils’ letter is below:

“To whom it may concern,

We are the Student Leadership Group at The Avenue Primary School here in Warminster.

We are politely writing to ask if Wiltshire Council will donate 10 litter pickers for our school at break and lunchtimes.

They love to take care of the environment, both in and around school. We have even done a litter pick in the local community!

We would really appreciate your support to help us ‘make the world a better place’.

We look forward to hearing from you soon,

Jake and the Student Leadership Group.”

For more information contact Warminster Town Council, Tel: 01985 214847 or email:

Last modified: 25 June 2024

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