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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Town councillors support Number 3 High Street planning application subject to conditions

19 June 2024

Warminster Town Council councillors have added their support to a recent planning application during the ongoing demolition of Number 3 High Street, subject to conditions.

Discussions were centred around the application for the construction of new building containing a shop and eleven flats and associated external works at a meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee on Monday 17th June 2024

Warminster Town Council has consistently pressed for enforcement action on Number 3, High Street and remains pleased that action continues at the site. In March 2024, it was announced that the building would finally be demolished after many years of being a blight on the town centre.

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Ian Frostick, Chair of the Feoffees, advised members that, in principle, The Feoffees and Trustees of St Lawrence Chapel supported the planning applications.

Addressing his main concerns, he requested that consideration be given to the structural integrity of the Chapel’s curtilage, tower, and stained-glass window and to the 13th century graveyard.

Concerns were raised by Warminster Town Councillors on potential access problems, as well as there being no scale on the rewidening of the path for 11 flats.

It was resolved that there was no objection to the application subject to the following conditions raised:

  • that a survey of the main entrance pillars, gate, railings, and wall stonework is undertaken and any remedial work carried out
  • that appropriate permissions are sought before excavation of the Chapel path and the development site to preserve the 13th century graveyard
  • that appropriate surveys are undertaken to protect the Chapel and any remedial repairs carried out to protect the Chapel tower
  • that a mesh is installed to protect the stained-glass window above the Chapel toilet
  • based on the recommendations of the Conservation officer the materials and construction methods used would need to be appropriate and sympathetic to the historic surroundings
  • that the building should include a traditional Bath stone frontage in keeping with other shops in town
  • that wastage management collections must be appropriate to the number of households (This may require an increase in the size of the bin storage area or a provision for more regular collections)

The comments from Warminster Town Council are only advisory, any decision on whether to grant planning permission and any associated conditions will be made by Wiltshire Council.

For more information contact Warminster Town Council, Tel: 01985 214847 or email:

Last modified: 10 July 2024

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