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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Front Page: InformationPress ReleaseTown News

Residents encouraged to help maintain local Rights of Way around Warminster

Warminster Town Council will be more active in reminding owners about their responsibilities and importance of maintaining local rights of...

15 September 2023

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Business NewsCommunity NewsCouncil NewsFront Page: AnnouncementsPress ReleaseTown News

Packed Warminster Autumn Market set to be opened by special guests

A day of shopping, snacking, and sipping on seasonal delights will greet visitors at the Civic Centre Autumn Market on Sunday, September...

13 September 2023

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Community NewsPress Release

Residents encouraged to help shape Local Plan consultation

Warminster Town Council is encouraging residents to get involved with the Wiltshire Local Plan consultation which aims to set out the...

11 September 2023

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Community NewsCouncil NewsFront Page: InformationPress ReleaseTown News

A series of articles by Inspector Kevin Harmsworth

Inspector Kevin Harmsworth, joined Wiltshire Police in 2003, and has since worked front line operational policing in Swindon, Melksham,...

11 September 2023

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Front Page: InformationPress Release

Anyone for tennis?

The Warminster Lake Pleasure Grounds tennis courts looking ace from above. Thank you to Path Energy for the impressive photo. In total...

8 September 2023

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Business NewsFront Page: InformationPress ReleaseTown News

Town to toast 10 year anniversary with Warminster USA

Warminster is set to commemorate 10 years of twinning with its namesake Warminster Township, Pennsylvania. In 2013 some Councillors from...

7 September 2023

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Community NewsFront Page: AnnouncementsPress Release

Happy to Chat Bench

The Happy to Chat Bench in Warminster Town Park has proven a tremendous success. Many towns have taken part in the nonprofit scheme,...

17 August 2023

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Front Page: InformationPress ReleaseTown News

Solar Panel Installation

Earlier this summer, the Town Council pushed forward a proposal to install solar panels on their property. These have now been setup on...

17 August 2023

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Community NewsLeisure News

Splash Pad Panels

The Splash Pad in the Town Park received some improvements to add to the much-loved community asset. Six rectangular interactive boards...

15 August 2023

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Town News

CCTV’s Successes

Warminster and Westbury’s recently revamped CCTV network is showing promising results in aiding the police in their duties and helping to...

27 July 2023

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