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What are Warminster Town Council's responsibilities?
Warminster Town Council responsibilities are:
- The Civic Centre
- Dewey House
- The Lake Pleasure Grounds
- Tynings Allotments
- Eight Play Areas
- The Public Toilets in Central Car Park
- The Obelisk
- The War Memorial
- CCTV Control Room and Systems
- Boreham Road Closed Churchyard
- Yeates Meadow
- Ashley Place amenity space
- ‘Basil Brushes’ road sweeper
- Awarding grants to local organisations
- The Hanging baskets
- Comments on planning applications
- Advise on highway improvements
- Events: e.g. Spring in the Park, Christmas Lights, Remembrance Parade and Service
What are Wiltshire Council's Responsibilities?
To read about Wiltshire Council Responsibilities, please download the "What Wiltshire Council Does" Fact Sheet.
What are the Pavilion Café Opening Times?
Visit the Pavilion Cafe page for further information, including opening times.
Please note reporting to Wiltshire Council via the MyWilts app or MyWilts online reporting form is most effective when creating an account.
I want information about…
Adult Care
- Information for Adults requiring support can be found on the Wiltshire Council Website
- Adult support
Anti-Social Behaviour
- For information on anti-social behaviour including how to report it you can visit the Wiltshire Council website
- Report anti-social behaviour to Wiltshire Police here
Abandoned Vehicle
- Information on reporting or claiming an abandoned vehicle can be found on the Wiltshire Council website
- You can report an abandoned vehicle using Wiltshire Council’s MyWilts online reporting system, or you can contact Wiltshire Council on 0300 456 0100.
Information regarding adoption can be found on the Wiltshire Council website
- Warminster’s allotments are managed by the Tynings Allotment Association
- For general information visit the Tynings Allotment Association webpage
Bins, Rubbish & Recycling
- You can search for your bin collection days on the Wiltshire Council website
- Report a missed bin collection to Wiltshire Council here
- Report or request other rubbish & recycling services to Wiltshire Council here
Blue Badges
- Information regarding blue badges
- Apply for a blue badge
- You can contact Wiltshire Council regarding blue badges on 01225 713002 or by emailing
Bus Passes
- Information for how to apply for a concessionary bus pass can be found here
- General bus information
Children & Young People
- Support and information for children and young people can be found on the Wiltshire Council website
- Child protection
Civic Centre
- The Civic Centre has rooms for hire, hosts various clubs and societies and a monthly film show. For more information see the Civic Centre pages of the website or contact 01985 214847 or
- room booking enquiries
- what’s on
Community & Environment
- Information on street markets, cemeteries, volunteering and other community matters can be found on the Wiltshire Council website
Council Tax and Benefits
- Information on benefits and council tax can be found on the Wiltshire Council website
- For help and support relating to benefits or council tax payments contact Wiltshire Council on 0300 456 0100
- Non- urgent, local crime can be reported online to Wiltshire Police or by calling 101
Dead Animals in the Road or Verge
- Wiltshire Council provide a free service to remove dead animals from roads and public spaces. They do not remove dead animals from private land, or animals smaller than a cat.
- Report a dead animal
- Defib Finder is a national scheme which can be used to locate defibrillators in your local area. All defibrillators monitored by South Western Ambulance Service are registered with the scheme Defib finder – find the defibrillators nearest you.
Drains & Manhole Covers
- Damage to, or problems with drains and manhole covers should be reported to Wiltshire Council using the MyWilts online reporting form
Environment Concerns
- Concerns regarding issues such as noise nuisance, light nuisance, smells and odours should be reported to Wiltshire Council
- Noise Nuisance
- Light nuisance
- Smells and odours
- Other environmental concerns
- You can report fly-tipping to Wiltshire Council using the MyWilts App or the MyWilts online reporting form
- Flooding can be reported to Wiltshire Council using the My Wilts App or the My Wilts online reporting form
- Information on flooding and drainage can be found here
- Local clubs and societies can apply for grants from Warminster Town Council annually.
- Grant information and application form
- Questions regarding grant applications can be directed to 01985 214847 or
Grass, Hedges, and Shrubs
- Requests regarding overgrown grass, hedges and shrubs on public highways or spaces can be reported to Wiltshire Council
- More information regarding trees and hedges can be found here
- Please report any overgrown grass, verges or shrubs within Warminster play areas and the Lake Pleasure Grounds to 01985 214847 or
Grit Bins
- Damaged or empty grit/salt bins can be reported using Wiltshire Councils MyWilts App or MyWilts online reporting
- Information on aspects of roads and highways managed by Wiltshire Council can be found here
- To report highways issues you can use the MyWilts App or the MyWilts online reporting form
- For issues regarding speeding traffic or parking you can speak to your Wiltshire Councillor. You can find the Councillor for your area here by searching using your postcode
- For information on housing including council housing, repairs assistance and new housing visit Wiltshire Council
Injured animals
- Advice on what to do if you find an injured wild animal
Lake Pleasure Grounds
- Warminster Town Council manage the Lake Pleasure Grounds
- Lake Pleasure Grounds information and facilities
- Pavilion Cafe Opening Times
- To report an issue with any of the facilities in the park please use this Contact Form
- Call 01985 214847
- Email
Licenses & Permits
- Wiltshire Council are responsible for issuing licences and permits including street trading, animal licences and temporary pavement licenses.
Local Clubs and Societies
- A range of clubs and societies are available within Warminster and the surrounding villages including sports teams, leisure activities & support groups. Find more information here
Lost Property
- If you have lost or found an item you can find out how to report it here
- If you find an item in a Warminster Town Council play area or the Lake Pleasure Grounds please let us know by emailing or calling 01985 214847
- Parking enforcement is the responsibility of Wiltshire Council. You can contact parking services on 01249 706131or by emailing
- Details of Wiltshire Council managed car parks in Warminster can be found here including associated charges
- Season tickets for 1, 3, 6, and 12 months can be purchased here
- To report a fault with a parking ticket machine phone Wiltshire Council Parking Services on 01249 706131. The letter and location of the machine is required when reporting. Any other problems with a Wiltshire Council car park can be reported via the MyWilts online reporting form or the MyWilts App.
- General Parking information can be found here
- For general questions or issues regarding parking you can speak to your Wiltshire Councillor. You can find the Councillor for your area here by searching using your postcode
Pavements & Kerbs
- Report damage or issues with pavements & kerbs to Wiltshire Council via the MyWilts App or MyWilts online reporting form
- Wiltshire Council offer a pest control service on certain pests for a fee
- You can contact the pest control team on or
0300 456 0107
- To view, submit or comment on Planning Applications and for other planning and building information visit Wiltshire Council
- Warminster Town Council can comment on Planning Applications
- Information on the Warminster Town Plan & Neighbourhood Plan
Play Areas
- Warminster Town Council are responsible for the 8 local play areas in Warminster in addition to the Town Park. Please report any faulty play equipment or issues using this form or by calling 01985 214847
Pot Holes
- Potholes can be reported using MyWilts online reporting or the MyWilts App
Public Toilets
- Public toilets in Warminster are located in the Central Car Park and Lake Pleasure Grounds and both facilities are managed by Warminster Town Council. Please note these are not open 24/7.
- There are also public toilets at the Civic Centre as well as a Changing Places Toilet available for anyone to use between the hours of 9am – 4:30pm.
- If you find any problems with any of these facilities please report them to 01985 214847 or
Registration Service
Information on registering births & deaths, obtaining copy certificates and other registration services can be found on Wiltshire Council’s website - for deaths and for births.
There is no longer a Registration Office situated in Warminster, you can use the contact information provided in the link below to book an appointment with Wiltshire Council
Contact information for Registration Services can be found here
Rights of Way
- Information on Public rights of way in Wiltshire can be found here
- Report a problem on a right of way or call 0300 4560100
- Information on aspects of roads and highways managed by Wiltshire Council can be found here
- To report road and highways issues including obstructions and potholes you can use the MyWilts online reporting form or the MyWilts App
Roadworks & Related Information
- Information regarding any planned or current roadworks on a Wiltshire highway can be found using further information and a link to this service can be found on the Wiltshire Council website
Rough Sleepers
- Information regarding rough sleeping can be found on the Wiltshire Council website
- To inform Wiltshire Council of someone who is sleeping rough email or visit StreetLink. If you think the person may be under 18 or in need of urgent care call the police, 999.
Rubbish & Recycling
- Find your nearest household recycling centre
- Garden waste collections
- Bin collection days
- Kerbside recycling
- Find out about other rubbish & recycling services and how to report an issue to Wiltshire Council here
Street Lights
- Problems with street lighting should be reported to Wiltshire Council using MyWilts online reporting or the MyWilts App.
Traffic Lights & Crossings
- Any issues regarding traffic lights and road crossing should be reported to Wiltshire Council using the MyWilts report it app or online reporting form
- Advice on trees and hedges can be found on the Wiltshire Council website
- If there is an issue with a tree on private land you will need to contact the land owner.
- Trees on Wiltshire Council land can be reported using MyWilts online reporting
- To report a problem with a tree in the Lake Pleasure Grounds, play areas or other Warminster Town Council managed areas please email or call 01985 214847
- Weeds on pavements and roads can be reported to Wiltshire Council via the MyWilts App or using the MyWilts online reporting form
Wheelchair Hire
Within Wiltshire, you can hire a wheelchair from the British Red Cross. Find out where your nearest service is via the Wiltshire Council website .
Wiltshire Council
- Wiltshire Council is the Unitary Authority for residents of Warminster and surrounding villages. Wiltshire Council are responsible for amongst other things, housing, highways, parking and rubbish. A full list of services provided by Wiltshire Council can be found here
- You can contact Wiltshire Council on 0300 456 0100 and report issues using MyWilts online reporting or the MyWilts App.
Winter Weather
- You can report adverse effects of winter weather such as ice and snow on the roads to Wiltshire Council via the MyWilts online reporting service or via the MyWilts App.
- Damaged or empty grit/salt bins can also be reported to Wiltshire Council using the MyWilts App or MyWilts online reporting form