On Friday 4th February 2022 The Mayor, Cllr Steve Jeffries was available in the Civic Centre for the community to pop in to see him and discuss their thoughts, feelings and issues of the town.
In addition to face to face conversations in the Civic Centre, the Mayor also received email and phone call messages for consideration. Some of the issues raised that will be actioned were, the cleaning on the bus shelters and the overgrowth of the foliage on Weymouth Street. There was fantastic feedback received on the Lake Pleasure Ground being a superb hub of the town and there was positive anticipation on the opening of the new Splash Pad at Easter. This has shown that this event is also a great opportunity for local townspeople to share their positive feelings about the town.
Mayor Jeffries said, “ I was really pleased to reach out to the community and hear their concerns and positive feedback. It was a pleasure to able to meet and talk to the members of public from the town that I am proud to be Mayor of.”
The morning proved to be a successful event. Mayor Jeffries intends to continue his face to face morning meetings on a monthly basis with the next meeting being held on Friday 18th March at 10:00am – 12pm.
If you would like to ask the Mayor anything in relation to or suggest anything about, the town of Warminster or the Town Council, then pop along to the Civic Centre in Warminster for a face to face short chat.
Last modified: 8 February 2022