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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all


23 May 2023

The Annual AGM took place on Monday 22nd May 2023 and Councillor Chris Robbins was replaced by new Mayor, Councillor Phil Keeble. He was voted unanimously for the upcoming municipal year. Alongside Councillor Keeble, Councillor Stacie Allensby will be serving as Deputy Mayor.  

The new Mayor, Councillor Phil Keeble has lived in Warminster since 1993.  A retired MOD Civil Servant of 43 years he enjoys all sports and runs a national cancer support group for the RUH Bath catchment area.

Councillor Keeble said:

‘I thank my fellow Councillors for their support and trust in electing me as Mayor and leader of The Council. It is an honour, and a duty I take seriously and undertake to serve this Council and people of Warminster to the best of my ability.

‘I wish to thank the former Mayor, Councillor Chris Robbins for his work as Mayor and representing this town so well. I thank him for his leadership, friendship and advice throughout the last 12 months – it has been a privilege to be your apprentice.

For this coming year I look forward to the completion of the review of our neighborhood plan. This is an incredibly important document that reflects the public’s wishes for the shape and future of Warminster and has already taken a considerable amount of hard work to this point.

‘A common theme on engaging with the public on this review is the number of empty shops in the town and the need for local jobs for local people. I therefore wish to focus on the regeneration of the economy of Warminster. As a Council I believe we should all do what we can to support existing and encouraging new local businesses, promoting the shop local ethos and partnering with the newly former Warminster Business Network. We should all be setting an example by buying goods and services locally as much as possible.

‘I also want to see renewed effort to develop and finalise our Climate Change Action Plan and drive through the changes required to achieve the Council’s carbon net zero target by 2030. I am encouraged that we are currently tendering for solar panels but there is still much work to be done.

‘We are now also days away from the completion and opening of two major projects, namely the tennis courts and MUGA refurbishment and CCTV upgrade. I would like to thank the Councillors and Officers of the Council in making these projects happen.

Again, I thank you and look forward to the coming year.’

Every year the Mayor chooses charities they feel worth endorsing. This year Councillor Keeble’s charities are Myeloma UK and Open Door Warminster. Myeloma UK is a national charity that invests in research, advocates for access to new treatments and provides support services to patients and families diagnosed with Myeloma which is a cancer of the white blood cells in the bone marrow. Open Door Warminster provides a space for community support groups such as Chat Café and a Grief Support group.

The new Deputy Mayor, Councillor Stacie Allensby has been a Councillor since 2021. She said: ‘I was surprised and honoured to be nominated for the position as Deputy Mayor. I have learnt a lot from my fellow councillors and still have much to learn but hope that I can carry on doing my best for the people of Warminster.’

As a farewell address message, Councillor Robbins said: ‘Sadly, my year has come to an end. It has been busy with many duties and visitations. I wish to thank my fellow Councillors for the respect shown at our meetings and hope my chairmanship was fair and outreaching to all. There were many highlights including: Remembrance Day, the Christmas lights and a Royal Visit at Longleat. I wish to thank my fellow Councillors, the Town Clerk and team and most of all, the people of Warminster.’

On behalf of the Council we would like congratulate Councillors Phil Keeble and Stacie Allensby on their appointment and wish them well over the next municipal year.   

Last modified: 31 May 2023

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