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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Have your say on Warminster Neighbourhood Plan Review

10 February 2022

Warminster Town Council wants to hear from you about your planning priorities for Warminster over the next 20 years. They are asking people to take a short survey to let them know your thoughts.  You can find the survey at

The Neighbourhood Plan contains policies and proposals that will be used in decisions on planning applications.  For example, the Neighbourhood Plan can try to ensure new houses have certain environmental features.

The survey asks people to think about what Warminster is like today, and to choose your top 5 things that you think should be protected and/or strengthened and/or improved. Issues covered include:

  • The Quality and integration of development at the West Urban Extension
  • Facilities for young people
  • The climate emergency
  • Impacts of COVID-19
  • Town Centre regeneration
  • Traffic
  • Pedestrian and cycle routes
  • Tourist attractions / facilities
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Local housing need / affordability
  • Local employment needs
  • Community facilities and infrastructure

Since the existing Warminster Neighbourhood Plan was approved, there have been changes in Wiltshire and national policy, and new local issues have arisen. This means Warminster needs to update the existing plan in order that it maximises its relevance and usefulness.
This is the very first stage of the public engagement, more will follow. You can keep up to date with progress at

Last modified: 10 February 2022

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