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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Town Council objects to rooftop balcony

23 February 2022

Warminster Town Council has objected to a proposed rooftop balcony in Victoria Road. The Town Council’s Planning Advisory Committee was unanimous in opposing the application before them at their meeting on 21st February.

Speaking after the meeting, Councillor Sue Fraser said:

“This proposed balcony will have a negative impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties.”

  • “It overlooks the neighbours’ gardens and results in a loss of privacy. This will mean the neighbours are ill at ease using their own gardens
  • The noise and disturbance resulting from use of the balcony will impact on the neighbours
  • The balcony is not in keeping with the style of property the immediate area.”

Sue continued; “I am very much against this application, and fully understand the worries of the neighbours.”

It was also drawn to the attention of the committee that work had already began before planning permission was sought.

The planning application has been “called in” which means it will be determined by Wiltshire Councillors.

The planning application can be seen on the Wiltshire Council Website – Application PL/2022/00501.

Last modified: 22 April 2022

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