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Warminster Town Council: Delivering a brighter, greener future for all

Damask Way development biodiversity concerns

21 January 2021

Warminster Town Council’s Planning Advisory Committee have expressed concerns about the environmental implications of a reserved matters planning application for the building of 28 dwellings at Land East of Damask Way, Warminster.

Committee member Cllr Denis Brett explained that:

“The Planning Advisory Committee unanimously proposed refusal of these reserved matters as Warminster Town Council continues to have concerns regarding the environmental impact and loss of biodiversity this development may involve. We believe that it is very important that detailed and accurate documents setting out environmental impacts are submitted and considered as part of the planning process.”

“NLG Ecology Ltd were commissioned by Sustainable Warminster as a third party consultancy to carry out a biodiversity metrics calculation. This means there is now a new and independent report available for Wiltshire Council to consider. This report provides considerable evidence that there will be a loss of biodiversity if the plans go ahead as they stand.”

“Warminster Town Council would like Wiltshire Council to confirm that a full and proper assessment of the environmental impact has been made and that the developer has conducted all the assessments in sufficient detail.”  

For more information contact Fiona Fox, Town Clerk and RFO, Warminster Town Council, Tel 01985 214847, email:

Note to Editor
Further information about this planning application can be found on the Wiltshire Council Website by searching for planning application number 20/07214/REM Reserved Matters Application: Erection of 28 No. dwellings associated works (pursuant to 17/12348/OUT. Land East of Damask Way and East of Upper Marsh Road and North of Smallbrook Lane, Warminster, Wilts BA12 9PP

Last modified: 1 September 2021

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